Launch Your Career

Welcome! ShreshtaInfotech is a team of talented energetic and purposeful people with one thing in common desire for self-improvement and contribution to the Company’s mission. Working with us will enable you to build up expertise with different technologies and domains, sharpen skills, and take your career to the new level. We are interested in cooperating with people who are also at the forefront of information technology.

This is a key process so everyone at Hexacta participates in it performing different recruitment tasks so as to ensure that new employees or students or professionals with great potential, whose values and goals are compatible with Hexacta’s structure and culture.

Our annual training plans are developed focusing on each of the company’s profiles and their corresponding steps along the career path. Our staff dedicates time to both, in-company courses and self-instruction, relying on our library, Wiki, Geek Lunches and ad-hoc theme groups, all of which support these training activities.

The adequate assignment of our staff to the different projects is one of the fundamental pillars for their professional development. This is why we hold weekly assignment meetings in which we study the resource needs, considering the client, project requirements and everyone in the team.

Our Teams enclose great profile diversity. This promotes the development of each of the team members. Our ultimate goal is to generate high-performance teams. In order to achieve this, we consider essential needs to ensure a pleasant work environment, training, regular feedback and methodological practices.

Mentoring and coaching programs allow personal, professional growth, and constitute a very important communication channel for everyone in Hexacta. For us, it is extremely important to understand the interests and needs of our staff, in order to ensure their well being to implement policies and processes consequently.

At the beginning of every project, expected performance goals are set and explained to each team member. The Project Leader is responsible for setting, communicating and tracking the accomplishment of these goals through the project. When the project is completed team members receive their corresponding feedback on performance and achievements.

The Annual Evaluation process takes place during December. Its goal is to provide each employee personal and formal feedback about the current year’s performance. In the process of people’s strengths are recognized and those areas where improvement is needed are identified. As a closure of this evaluation process, new salaries and promotion to the next level of the Career Plan are defined.